Latin Mass Society
Faith. Family. Action.
Division of the Mass
From St. Andrew's Missal: This division of the Mass will help you understand the order of the parts, and the flow as you flip the pages back and forth between the sections (Ordinary, Proper, and Preface) as you assist (follow) at the Mass.
Latin Mass Society
Division of the Mass
The Ordinary of the Mass (Found in the middle of the Missal)
Consists the set texts of the Mass, the key ones are:
Kyrie Eleison: Lord have mercy.
Gloria: Glory to God.
Credo: Nicene Creed.
Sanctus: Holy Holy Holy.
Agnus De: Lamb of God.
Pater Noster: Our Father.
The Proper of the Mass (Found in the first half of the Missal important events, and the second half of the missal for feasts of saints.)
Consists of the variable texts within the Mass.
Introit: (Entrance) Can consist some or all of the following: an antiphon (short chant), part of a psalm verse, and Gloria Patri,
Collect: Collect spiritually of our prayers to be offered up along with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Epistle: Letters from the Apostles mainly St. Paul. Not from the Gospels.
Gradual: (Step) A short prayer or Psalm after the Epistle.
Alleluia: A short prayer or Psalm of rejoicing is commonly used before the proclamation of the Gospel.
Tract: (Stretch) A short prayer or Psalm formerly replacing the alleluia outside the Lent season.
Sequence: (Completion) The last of the short prayer before the Gospel.
Gospel: Letters from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Offertory: Priest recites the Offertory antiphon.
Secret: Priest recites the Secret prayer.
Communion: Priest recites the Communion and Post Communion prayers.
The Preface: (Found in the middle of the Missal)
Prayer leading up to the Eucharistic prayer. The Preface to use is provide in the Proper.
The Domestic Church
Family Prayer
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